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With torrential rain and a strong east wind,  Sporting Start couldn't have picked a better day for a bike ride to North Berwick. The intrepid group of eleven set off from Myreside at 10am forecasting an arrival time of circa 12.30 . This was immediately put in to question with a first stop one mile down the road at Casa de Macari for essential bacon rolls and coffee.















Despite some interest in staying there for the day, the group set off and were lead by Mike, a proper cyclist with all the gear. After a smooth negotiation through Cameron Toll out to Joppa disaster struck as Bean senior was cruelly struck down with a flat tyre. The well rehearsed emergency procedures were put in place with a quick call to the support team of Lucy and Mutchy who were "cleaning up" the bacon rolls and coffee. 45 mins later the text that no-one wanted to send was received by all "Bean is out of the race....."


The show must go on and so continued for another 300 yards when lady luck once again deserted the group this time with James experiencing tyre inflation challenges. The support vehicle was swift to react and capture the comedy moment of James in a rage as tyre tube after tyre tube exploded under pressure.  As the rain continued to soak away team spirit, 30 minutes passed and James finally accepted that with no rubber tubes left his day was done.















Meanwhile the splinter front group had made their way through Mussleburgh and Port Seaton before deciding it was appropriate to wait for their team mates at the Old Aberlady Inn. By pure coincidence the bar was open and once was it was discovered that Apple Pay was accepted behind the bar, it felt appropriate to try the local produce. Midway through the "2nd try of local produce" the back group arrived which prompted another comedy moment as Shug realised there there was not time to stay for a pint. With face and ears purple with rage, Shug accepted that with the group 120 minutes behind schedule, the only option was to pedal on.
















Gullane was next in line and this was swiftly taken as the group sensed the finish line was in reach. The east wind doth blow very hard as the group headed up the final straight to North Berwick. Keen to finish as #oneteam, the slowest member Paul was put to the front prompting comedy moment #3 as he held up the traffic causing some mild road rage from one local. 


By 2.30pm all were safe and sound enjoying fantastic hospitality at Maison de Blanc knowing Martin would have been proud of their achievement and highly amused at the farcical cameo roles played by James and Graham.

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"I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul"

William Ernest Henley

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