We believe that young people should have the opportunity to develop a
life-long love of sport and experience all the benefits this brings
Sporting Start is a charity which enables young people in Edinburgh and the Lothians to experience and enjoy sport.
We help individuals and groups who face financial or other barriers which limit their opportunity to access or participate in sport.
We aim to provide funding support to help with, for example, coaching, courses, events, facilities and sports equipment.
View our privacy policy HERE
Latest News

St Cuthberts Achieve their Goals!
August 2024
St Cuthberts primary school, located in the Slateford area of Edinburgh, are back to playing football after Sporting Start funded some new goals for the school pitch.
Great to see lots of happy footballers - its cheered us up.

A New Sport for the New Year
February 2024
Sporting Start are delighted to be supporting the Edinburgh Sabre Club that will enable them to upgrade their Fencing equipment to make the club more inclusive and help beginners to engage in the sport more readily. The partnership will also develop their community outreach work by funding some free spaces for children/families who would otherwise not be able to to join the club due to financial barriers.

Basketball Thriving at COEBC
January 2024
Following an extension to our partnership with the City of Edinburgh Basketball Club, several new young coaches have had the opportunity to develop their skills with the U16 Girls, U14 Boys and U10,s.
They were also involved in providing ‘taster sessions’ to local schools that do not currently have access to basketball coaching. These schools include Brunstane, Niddrie Mill, Castleview, Craigentinny and St. Ninians.

Currie FC Proudly Wearing our Logo
May 2023
Currie FC is a local community football club based in Currie and serving the local Currie, Balerno and Juniper Green area and beyond. They currently have teams from age 5 to 16 playing in the local ESSDA and SERYFA leagues and we are delighted that their U16 age group are wearing Sporting Start on their shirts after a kind donation from one of the parents.
Livingston Cricket Project Launched
May 2022
Our newest project in partnership with Active Schools and Livingston Cricket Club supports coaching for primary school children at three schools in the Livingston area. Coaching has taken place at the schools during the spring term. Pupils that indicate an interest to continue with the sport will then be offered free membership and coaching at Livingstone CC during the summer term.
New Project! Capoeira with Axe Boom-Boom
October 2021
Capoeira is a Brazilian martial art which combines elements of dance, acrobatics and music to develop physical literacy by helping children to keep healthy and active Our first phase of financial support provided free classes to over 24 primary school within the Wester Hailes and Broomhouse area who attended a week long camp during the October holidays .
Murrayfield Wanderers Oct Camp
October 2021
Sporting Start was delighted to fund places for 21 children from the Wester Hailes area to attend the Murrayfield Wanderers P4-P7 October half term rugby camp. The Camp, designed for beginners to rugby featured three themes: Finn Russell Decision Making, Hamish Watson Tackling and a Halloween themed rugby match.

New Judo project launched
February 2021
Our latest project partnership is with Randori Judo based in Midlothian. We've provided funding for additional membership spaces and new equipment which will enable many more young people in the local community to access Judo.

COVID Won't Stop Rugby In Leith
February 2021
It has been a tough year for youth sport but Leith Rugby still managed to get activity after the Spring lockdown.

Lismore RFC launches new youth programme
December 2020
We are delighted to congratulate one of our partners, Lismore Rugby Club, who have recently launched a new youth programme named 'Edinburgh Harlequins' designed to create increased opportunities for young players based in South East Edinburgh to engage in rugby.

GWC bobble hat fundraising!
January 2020
Many thanks to George Watson's College for their generous donation of £1200 from proceeds of sales of GWC bobble hats!
Sporting Start is honoured to be a George Watson's College charity partner.
Other News

Sporting Start partners with City of Edinburgh Basketball Club
December 03, 2019
£4,200 was provided in order for City of Edinburgh Basketball Club to buy new equipment and allow the club to expand their vital outreach work across the city, including taking the sport to children in North Edinburgh in 2020.
Read the full story here

Malcolm takes on the mighty Pyrenees Stage Run
August 27, 2019
Massive congratulations and good luck to Malcolm who is taking on the mighty challenge of running 240km and 15,000 metres ascent over the Spanish Pyrenees 1-8 September 2019 to fundraise for Sporting Start. Awesome!
You can find out more about the race at http://psr.run
Here's Malcolm's Golden Giving page if you'd like to support: https://www.goldengiving.com/fundraising/Malcypyrenees
Go Malcolm! We are all cheering for you!

Myreside to Lords Cycle Success !
July 03, 2019
4.5 days / 515 miles / over £8,000 raised
Massive congratulations to Alasdair Macdonell and George Salmond for their outstanding effort.
We salute you!
Read more about their epic cycling challenge here
Shug takes on Edinburgh Seven Hill Challenge
June 09, 2019
Sporting Start's very own Trustee, Shug Anderson, is fundraising for our charity and hoping to raise over £1000.
Please support him here: https://www.goldengiving.com/fundraising/shug7hills
Myreside to Lords Cycle Challenge
June 09, 2019
Inspired by Martin Macari and his love of cricket, cycling and a challenge (amongst many other things) Alasdair Macdonell and George Salmond will embark on their own challenge, raising money for Sporting Start.
Over 5 days, they will cover 500 miles as they cycle from the home of cricket in Morningside (Myreside) to a wee village ground in St John's Wood, London (Lords)! This won't be easy... However, if they knew that every mile would raise £10, saddle sores and funny walks in the evenings would be worth it!
Please support them here: https://www.goldengiving.com/fundraising/myreside2lords

Fundraising Dinner Success!
May 06, 2019
Thank you to everyone who attended this year's Sporting Start Fundraising Dinner at Myreside. It was a brilliant evening of fun, friendship, fun and fundraising. This year we were honoured to be joined by guests representing two of our current projects with Spartans Community Football Academy and Lismore Rugby Club.
Photo: Our MC, Tonya Macari with Sporting Start Trustee, Jason White

Sporting Start proud to be charity partner for 1st Inner City schools football tournament
April 29, 2019
All Star Events is hosting the 1st Inner City schools football tournament at The Oriam in Edinburgh on Tuesday 21 May 2019, from 10am until 2pm.
The event organisers are a group of Edinburgh College Year 2 HND Students. The four-strong team at All Star Events are passionate about bringing children together in sport and could think of no better event to organise than a schools football tournament.
Sixteen school teams from all over the Lothians will face each other on Tuesday 21 May at The Oriam in Edinburgh. During the tournament there will be two Cups available based on school team abilities allowing all levels of teams to participate. The winning teams will receive a trophy and all players will take home a participation medal.
There are a limited number of spaces still available to primary schools and if you would like further details, or wish your school to participate, please contact the organisers on allstarevents.football@gmail.com or directly on 0131 297 9625.

Watson’s partnership helps to spread the joy of sport
March 20, 2019
Thanks to funding from Sporting Start, children at Gracemount Primary School are having their first experience of hockey coaching.
‘Hockey Start’ is a new programme run by George Watson’s College designed to spread the joy of sport, and in particular hockey, to more young people who may not otherwise get the opportunity to participate. 60 P5 pupils at Gracemount Primary School are now enjoying hockey sessions once a week delivered by Watson’s coaches, all who have played the sport at national or international level.

Happy 1st Birthday Sporting Start!
February 28, 2019
Thanks to the amazing generosity of our supporters, we’ve made great progress in our first year.
We are delighted to have four community outreach programmes up and running in partnership with Spartans Community Football Academy, Lismore Rugby Club, Hibernian Community Foundation and George Watson’s College. All these projects are delivering a mix of coaching and life skills in a safe environment to primary school children in deprived areas of Edinburgh.
These projects are only possible thanks to your amazing support. Thank you!

2019 fundraising off to a great start!
January 26, 2019
Our 2019 fundraising is off the blocks thanks to PM-Projen's Edinburgh office team who have raised £215.45 for Sporting Start through their bake sale, quiz night and raffle. Big thanks to Colin Rodger for organising.
Congratulations to the quiz night winning team '3 Steves + 1' and to everyone at PM-Projen for their fantastic support!
Sporting Start's boot bank in the news
December 03, 2018
Read all about the boot bank set up as part of our first Sporting Start project and how it will help more kids in north Edinburgh play football.
Read full Edinburgh Evening News article here

Freddie inspired to step outside of his comfort zone
November 14, 2018
Read Gary Heatly's interview with teacher, Freddie Main, about how he was inspired by Martin's Sporting Start legacy to take up Touch. Full article HERE
Sporting Start's First Projects Announced
November 05, 2018
Sporting Start is delighted to announce its first two projects, both of which shall be launching this month.
The first project will be facilitated in partnership with Spartans Community Football Academy and will support the north Edinburgh-based football club’s “Street Football in a Safe Place” programme. and the second project will be in partnership with Lismore Rugby Club. Read the full story HERE

Gillian's John Muir Way Challenge
October 09, 2018
Huge congratulations to Gillian Robinson for raising a brilliant £1368.75 for Sporting Start and for creating her own walking challenge when the organised event was cancelled last minute!

Caritas Bake Sale
August 16, 2018
From the sports field to the stage, George Watson’s College support of Sporting Start continued in August with a bake sale at the strings music summer school which raised £321.59. Many thanks to everyone who supported this by baking, buying and eating yummy cakes and the wonderful children at the Caritas Strings Summer School who played beautifully.
From all of us at Sporting Start, a special thanks to Lucy Gillan for organising.

The Big Bike Ride
August 10, 2018
With torrential rain and a strong east wind, Sporting Start couldn't have picked a better day for a bike ride to North Berwick. The intrepid group of eleven set off from Myreside at 10am forecasting an arrival time of circa 12.30 . This was immediately put in to question with a first stop one mile down the road at Casa de Macari for essential bacon rolls and coffee.
Read the full story HERE

On your Marks, Set, Go.....
June 25, 2018
We were honoured that George Watson’s College chose to partner with Sporting Start for their annual school sports day in June, helping to raise awareness and support throughout the GWC family and wider community. Junior School Headmaster, George Salmond, introduced Sporting Start to the many pupils and parents attending and Sporting Start flags proudly marked the finishing line of the track events.
The whole event was a fantastic example of young people enjoying sport and really sums up what Sporting Start is setting out to achieve - helping more young people enjoy sport and all the benefits it brings.

Crowds Gather at Myreside
April 27, 2018
One hundred and fifty friends and family gathered at Myreside tonight to celebrate Sporting Start's inaugural dinner.
The sold out event hosted by presenter Tonya Macari was a huge success for all raising some much needed funds for the new charity.

Sporting Start Makes Headlines!
March 04, 2018
Catch up with all the media coverage of Sporting Start's launch:

Join Us Today
February 27, 2018
Please help us fund projects that help young people in Edinburgh develop a life-long love of sport and experience all the benefits this brings.
Click here to find out how to become a Friend of Sporting Start.
Sporting Start's Inspiration
February 27, 2018
Sporting Start was founded in memory of Martin Macari, an inspirational and talented sportsman whose life was cut short by cancer aged 47. A passionate advocate for the power and joy of sport, Martin led by role model example as player, coach and leader across multiple sports.
Find out more about Martin here
"A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on"
John F Kennedy